To: Ray Haslar Autohaus Customers and Partners
With the move to Level 3 we are pleased to be able to open our workshops. Safety for customers and staff is paramount and we will be operating under the strict government Level 3 conditions.
We have made changes to our customer service with no-one allowed on our premises. Please be patient with the necessary changes and understand that repairs may initially take a little longer than usual. See below for our operating procedures.
We can process a credit card payment over the phone or you can pay the invoice online prior to collection. Cash will not be accepted at this time.
We appreciate your business and your understanding as we all get used to this new way of doing business.
Stay safe
Ray Haslar Autohaus Limited

Established in 1970 Ray Haslar Autohaus is a recognised approved collision repairer and refinisher for Prestige European Motor Vehicles.
In the late 1980’s Ray Hasler Autohaus was appointed New Zealand’s first Approved collision repairer for Mercedes Benz, as a result of this, a short time later we also gained the approvals for Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche and Skoda. We are also New Zealand’s only Approved Collision repairers for Bentley and Lamborghini. We take great pride in our approvals and as a result of this it has allowed us to keep pace with the latest technology and repair methods. Our commitment to utilizing the recommended factory tools and information is mandatory in addition to using only genuine replacement parts. These factors combined will ensure the retention of your vehicles residual value not to mention the continuation of your factory warranty. More importantly, consider the value attributed to the safety of your family and others knowing that your vehicle is back on the road as it left the factory.